ShipIT 365 19.6.11120.0 Release

The latest version of ShipIT 365 is available now for BC 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19.

The latest version of ShipIT 365 is available now for BC 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19. Update your ShipT 365 extension now via AppSource or by downloading the latest app file from the idyn portal.

ShipIT 365 19.6.11120.0 contains the following improvements:

  • Better support for unit of measures.

It’s now possible to automatically add the required packages to a transport order when selling items in boxes or pallets.
To use this functionality, all you have to do is to select the applicable Package Type on the Item Unit of Measure.

When an item is now sold in this unit of measure the required packages will be added automatically to the transport order.
For instance, when 3 boxes are sold 3 BOX02 packages will be added to the transport order.

On the sales order in the Sales Order Packages FastTab a new action called “Create Packages for items sold in packs.” is available to create the packages based on the goods sold in a unit of measure. This function is mainly relevant if you use the Carrier Select function. 

When the order has changed this function can be used again to update the required packages on the sales order.
To further support units of measure the base quantities from the source documents are used as the basis for the transport order quantities.

  • Hide notifications or warnings for created transport orders.

It is now possible to suppress the warning or notification that a transport order has been created after posting a document.
Use the “Suppress Transport Order Created Notification” field In the ShipIT setup to enable this feature.

  • Bulk actions for transport orders on the Transport Orders List

It’s now possible to select multiple transport orders in the transport orders page and perform actions like booking, printing, synchronizing, etc… for multiple selected transport orders.

  • The Posting Date can be used to determine the preferred shipment date on the transport order.

This can be useful when the transport orders are based on posted documents or when working with warehouse shipments.
In the ShipIT setup, a new option field has been added: “Based Preferred Date on”.
The options that can be selected are:

  • “Planned Date”, which is the existing and default implementation.
  • “Posting Date”, which will apply the posting date from the source document as the preferred shipment date on the transport order.
  • Advanced determination of the shipment value.

The unit cost of the transported goods will be used to determine the shipment value, when the commercial value is zero or not set.

This is important for two reasons:

  1. Transsmart requires a (realistic) shipment value, even when the commercial value is zero.
  2. The shipment value can be the basis for the insurances of the transportation.

This change does not affect the Delivery Note Lines, because they represent the commercial value of the shipment.
The calculated value for a single source line (e.g. sales line) is now visible as the “Transport Value” on the Source Lines of the Transport Order. This value can be changed manually.
In this field, the unit cost is applied when the commercial value is 0.
The total transport value is now shown in the Calculated Value field in the Totals FastTab of the Transport Order, this is a flowfield so that it’s visible how this value is built up. The “Actual Value” field has been introduced to quickly overwrite the calculated value.
When the actual value is registered, then this value will be communicated to Transsmart instead of the calculated value.

The performance of the entire calculation has been improved

  • The Shipping Agent and the Shipping Agent Service on a Warehouse Shipment can be populated automatically

In the standard Business Central application, the Shipping Agent and the Shipping Agent Service always have to be selected manually on the Warehouse Shipment document.
Even when, for instance, the Warehouse Shipment is created directly from a Sales Order where the Shipping Agent and the Shipping Agent Service was already determined.
Since the Shipping Agent and Shipping Agent Service are mandatory fields within the ShipIT solution, we have ensured that these fields are now automatically filled when all the source lines are using the same shipping agent and shipping agent service.
However, because this is a change of the default behaviour of Business Central, this feature has to be enabled first.
This can be done using the “Copy Shipping Agent to Warehouse Shipments” setting on the ShipIT Setup Card.