Direct Banking Release 19.3.1

The latest release of Direct Banking (19.3.1) is ready to use for Business Central 16, 17, 18 and 19.

The latest release of Direct Banking (19.3.1) is ready to use for Business Central 16, 17, 18, and 19. 

One of the new features in this version is the addition of the regex pattern. Using regex patterns allows for automatic clean-up of payment descriptions that come along with your transactions. 

Update your Direct Banking NL extension now via AppSource. If you use Direct Banking W1, use this link. The extensions are also available for on-prem environments on the idyn download portal.

The following changes are made:

  • For ABN AMRO and ING bank users: the regex patterns have been added. Regex patterns automatically adjust the description field provided by the bank. In previous versions users could already do some manually, now this has been properly developed and is easily available. On the Setup card, select ‘Regex Patterns’, then select import patterns and choose ING or ABN AMRO.
  • Users who are connected to other banks than ING and ABN can add their own patterns which are user-specific and request patterns from idyn, for instance via the “notify us” button on the setup card under the “Regex” tab.
  • Rabobank can now be linked to Ponto with a single bank card instead of one card per account.
  • Added option to view to which ledger entry your transaction is linked (if the reconciliation took place AFTER the new version was installed). A fact box for this has been added to the archive page.